The Feel HOME Staging Philosophy
First Impressions – In our home assessment consultation, we will walk through your home room-by-room and take note of our first impressions, what grabs us, what glares at us and what gives us a feeling of home. Buyers will form a first impression immediately upon viewing the photos and home, so we need to make each photo and room count!
Eliminating Clutter -- The packing starts now, as we pack away a good percentage of everything in the room in order to create a more clean, open and spacious feel. In the consultation we will discuss what can be packed away before the staging day, so that we get the most from our time.
Emphasizing the Positive While Downplaying the Negative -- Finding your beautiful focal points, we will emphasize what we love about the room and hide or distract from the negative aspects of the rooms.
Lighten Up -- Focusing on lighting and color, we will make each room into a bright, warm and inviting space to which buyers can respond.
Home Buyer’s Appeal - In order for a buyer to “feel home,” it is important for them to be presented with a depersonalized “canvas” upon which they can visualize their family portrait. We’ll depersonalize the space while retaining the warmth and fun of photos.
Obligations - Cleaning and Repairs - The dirty work speaks for itself but is often overlooked because you’ve lived here for so long. Let’s get rid of the buyer’s mental repair list by doing it ourselves before our staging time together, so we get the most out of the day.
Modernizing – This involves updating your style and building simple accessories out of what you already have to create clean lines, scale, rhythm and form. In some cases, we’ll recommend purchases as valuable investments in the staging process that will go a long way in getting buyers to “fall in love” with your home.
Emotional Connection Points - Creating the “Wow Factor” -- This is the fun part and is a huge focus in our positioning strategy. We’ll show you how to build in these subtleties in order to make the buyers subconsciously desire to live here and “feel home”. The “emotional connection points” are where marketing strategy really comes into play and I’m an expert at putting this together for you!